
From Breaking Worlds

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Evocation is the magical art of summoning, appeasing, and binding spirits. A person who treats with the spirits to worship and gain enlightenment is generally called a priest, while a practitioner who uses them to gain more immediate power is called a witch - though the distinction is often blurred.


Evokers are capable of calling spirits from the Spirit World into the mortal plane by ritual magic. The more powerful the spirit is, the more powerful the ritual must be; a spirit of the least degree can be summoned with a couple of minutes of incantation, while a greater spirit requires an elaborate performance and usually a substantial sacrifice.

It is possible to perform a summoning ritual without a specific spirit in mind. An evoker can perform a ritual to call a spirit of a particular element and degree, or an ancestor matching a broad description. Where possible, however, it is best to call a spirit by name; temples, scholarly institutions, and similar organisations sometimes record the names of significant spirits for this reason.

A spirit is able to speak to the evoker and to people within hearing of the place it was summoned. More powerful spirits will create the image of a body. This is normally a mere apparition, unable to act directly, but since the Breaking there have been instances of elementals taking on a real physical form and forcing their way into the material world wholesale. Obviously this has made evocation a rather riskier business.

When evoking a spirit, it is common practice - though not strictly necessary - to mark out a summoning circle on the ground with rope, chalk, powder, or similar means. This is done partly out of tradition, and partly because it helps to remind mortals to stay out of the space that the spirit will use to take its form.

The hall had been cleared, all furniture removed to make space for an intricate summoning circle. Lines of salt spread and coiled over the flags between four stone tablets inscribed with the symbols of Wood, Earth, Metal, and Water. A fistful of silver coin and a single gold ducatto were piled neatly in the centre. Only Fire was conspicious by its absence - even the lamps had been extinguished, leaving the room lit only by the moonlight shining through the tall windows, and shadowing the faces of the robed figures who surrounded the circle.

Master Mervyn Courtenay shivered slightly - telling himself it was just the cold - and cleared his throat. “Are we ready to begin?”
His companions nodded.
“Then I call this convocation to order. Our decision has been made and assented to; a spirit has incited violence and destruction against our college and we must call them to account for their actions.”

He took a deep breath, and spoke again in the most authoritative tone he could muster. “Spirit, I name you! Coruscating Genius, I evoke, conjure, and command you to appear before our convocation!”
The other scholars chanted in echo: “We evoke, conjure, and command you.”
“You who have wronged us must answer for your wrongdoing. By my power as Master of this college and by the authority of our convocation I evoke, conjure, and command you!”
“We evoke, conjure, and command you.”
“With silver and gold we pay the price to open the Veil, and so I evoke, conjure, and command you to step through!”
“We evoke, conjure, and command you.”
Master Courtenay became aware that vague white shape - a Guide - was standing at the centre of the circle and gathering up the offered coins. A moment later it faded... but not before giving him something like a nod of recognition.
He shivered again.

The quiet of the hall was suddenly broken by a roaring, crackling sound from the circle. The Master willed himself to stand firm, knowing that there was nothing left but to carry on. “Coruscating Genius, I evoke, conjure, and-”
With a rush of heat and noise, the spirit themselves appeared, seeming to spring up like a flame to form a tall figure of translucent red and gold. “I heard you the first time.”
Keeping his voice steady, he continued: “We call you to account for your crimes against this college. Speak, spirit!”
The spirit did not respond immediately, and he was about to command them again, but before he could say anything they began: “I suppose I should thank you for bringing me here. It’s so dull having to act through intermediaries.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why, you invited me to come to you in person. And now we can get properly acquainted.” The last word was almost a snarl.

The figure wavered momentarily, then took a step toward Master Courtenay - a step out of the circle. Suddenly it seemed far more solid... more dangerous. He stumbled backward in shock.
“Well done, mortal,” came the voice as Courtenay felt the flames start to sear his skin. “You have me right where I want me.”

Part of a series about magic and the spirits.
Evocation - Channelling

The Elements - Totem spirits - The Spirit World - Animism